Permanent solution for hunger and the planet’s health

Food Forest Consultation

  • Design: Custom Plant Guilds

    Our curated designs bring nature back into the city by packing edible landscapes into small spaces. Guilds revolve around fruit and nut-bearing trees with groundcover, pollinators, dynamic accumulators, and nitrogen fixers, bringing lasting abundance to your landscape.


    1. Apple Tree Guild

    Key Plant: Apple Tree

    Nitrogen Fixers: White clover, beans.

    Dynamic Accumulators: Comfrey, dandelion.

    Pest Repellents: Garlic, chives, marigolds.

    Beneficial Insect Attractors: Dill, yarrow, lavender.

    Mulch Plants: Comfrey.

    Ground Covers: Thyme, strawberries.

    2. Cherry Tree Guild

    Key Plant: Cherry Tree

    Nitrogen Fixers: Lupine, peas.

    Dynamic Accumulators: Borage, yarrow.

    Pest Repellents: Marigolds, garlic.

    Beneficial Insect Attractors: Fennel, lavender.

    Mulch Plants: Nasturtium.

    Ground Covers: Creeping thyme, wild strawberries.

  • Impact

    The impact of food forests is multifaceted, offering environmental, economic, social, and cultural benefits. By promoting biodiversity, improving soil health, sequestering carbon, and enhancing food security, food forests represent a sustainable approach to agriculture that can contribute significantly to the well-being of communities and the environment. Implementing and supporting food forests can be a valuable strategy for achieving long-term sustainability goals.